The passport or ID card ( copy) and6 photos and resume that the artificial person in shanghai company. 拟设上海公法律我身份证实复印件、繁历、照片6弛。
The sovereign is described by Hobbes as an artificial person by which he means the sovereign is the creation of the contract or the covenant that brought this office into being. 霍布斯把君主描述为一个,现今意义上的法人,也就是说君主的权力,是由某种意义上的合同,或说是契约而形成的。
But for Hobbes, think of this by contrast, art does not so much imitate nature, rather art can create a new kind of nature, an artificial nature, an artificial person, as it were. 但是霍布斯不一样,他认为艺术并不是自然的模仿物,不如说艺术可以创造一种新式的自然,人造的自然,就像人的创造。
A company is regarded by the law as a person: an artificial person. 公司被法律规为“人”,一个拟制人。
Suddenly, the thought of some of the artificial person, smiling all day, but not a moment for themselves to smile, is the people saw it, hypocrisy! 突然,就想到了某些矫揉造作的人,整天笑着,却没有一刻是为自己而笑,是人都看出来了,虚伪!
In the eyes of the law, a corporation is an artificial person having many of the rights and responsibilities of a real person. 从法律的角度来看,股份有限公司就是一个人工创造出来的人,与真实的人享有同样的权利,承担同样的责任。
It is a caste artificial person which strides industry and strides possession system and nonprofit calling nature. 它是一个(行业和跨所有制的)非营利的行业性)会团体法人。
"Then the Philistines went and put up their tents in Judah, all round Lehi." It is a caste artificial person which strides industry and strides possession system and nonprofit calling nature. 非利士人上去安营在犹大,布散在利希。它是一个(行业和跨所有制的)非营利的行业性)会团体法人。
Each enterprise may establish joint venture or cooperative enterprises once registering and having qualification of artificial person. 所有企业一旦注册登记,具备法人资格后,可利用外资开办中外合作、合资企业。
The modern enterprise system requires that the enterprise set up a strict supervision system, scientific artificial person management structure and self-control mechanism to regulate its management conduct. 现代企业制度要求企业内部必须建立一套严密的监督和控制机制,建立起科学规范的法人治理结构和自我约束机制,以规范各种经营行为。
By the analysis of internal and external governance, a set of system is design, such as multiple property rights, artificial person, socialization, perfect and fair market system. 通过对内部治理和外部治理两方面进行分析,就建立完善的公司治理结构,本文设计了一套制度安排,即产权结构多元化、法人化、社会化和培育充分、公平竞争的市场体系。
Administer structure of artificial person of corporation reflects the theory of decentralization, their purpose of design depends on authority restrict authority, to be sure that run well and should not depart from stockholders'aim. 公司法人治理结构体现了分权制衡的机理,其设计的目的都是以权力制约权力,确保公司作不背离股东目标的有效率的运转。
The classification and non-currency of the state stocks and artificial person's stocks are the unique equity ownership structure phenomena of Chinese capital market, which resulting in the imperfection of the artificial person management system and "inter-persons control", and making the state-owned stocks lessening necessary. 国家股、法人股的分类与不流通是我国资本市场的特有股权结构现象,它所导致的上市公司法人治理结构不完善和内部人控制等诸多问题使国有股减持成为必要。
In former theory circle, enterprise group is not artificial person and has not legal status. 以往理论界认为,企业集团不是法人,因而不具有法律地位。
Last, some advices and ideas are put forward in four parts: project artificial person responsibility system, investment management, legislation and construction project insurance. 最后,就项目法人负责制、价格管理、立法工作和建立工程建设保险制等四个方面对我国工程建设管理体制改革提出了具体的看法和建议。
The Economic Analysis on General Personality Right of Artificial Person 法人一般人格权的经济分析
Legal characteristic can be analyzed by a model which includes four types ( natural person, artificial person, non-artificial organization, country) and four levels ( civil subject, artificial person, whether it is seeking for profit, which service type it is). 在法律属性的分析方面,可以通过四个类别(自然人,法人,非法人组织,国家)和四个层次(民事主体,法人,营利性判断,服务类型判断)的分析模型来确定法律属性。
The World Trade Organization ( WTO), as an international artificial person, has its own relatively complete ruling system and law framework and its authority and influence exceed those of its predecessor, the GATT. 世界贸易组织(WTO)具备独立的法人资格,有自己较为完整的规则体系和法律框架,有着关贸总协定所无法比拟的权威性和影响力。
The present text indicates the defect of the principles of artificial person in our country via seeing about the personality of artificial person and limited liability and raises new argumentation concerning the theory mode of the artificial person and the future legislation mode of the Estate-owner's Community. 本文从考察法人人格和有限责任入手,指出我国现有法人理论的缺陷,并进而对法人的理论模式以及业主团体的未来立法模式提出了新的论点。
This thesis first expatiates systematically on the economic evaluation theory of common engineering projects, from the angle of project artificial person, studying and probing into the economic evaluation principles, contents and index system of the projects of auto center construction by combining with its characteristics. 本文首先对一般工程项目经济评价理论进行了系统的阐述,结合汽车城建设项目的特点,从项目法人的角度,研究探讨了汽车城建设项目的经济评价原则、内容和指标体系。
However, the concrete personality right can't adequately include all the interests of artificial person. 而所规定的法人的具体人格权现已不足以涵盖应受保护的各种法人人格利益。
NPOs are also regarded as Non-governmental Organizations, The Third Sector, Artificial Person for Public Good, Philanthropic Organizations, etc. 非营利组织也被称为非政府组织、第三部门、公益法人和慈善组织等。
Civil Code doesn't prescribe the general personality right of artificial person, but the concrete personality right. 我国《民法通则》规定了法人的具体人格权,但没有规定法人的一般人格权。
Property right of the corporation artificial person ( PRCAP) is the key to the modern corporation system. 企业法人财产权是现代公司制度中的一个核心问题。
The right of reputation is the protected personal right which is enjoyed by the people and artificial person. 名誉权是受民事法律保护的公民和法人所享有的名誉不受他人侵害的人格权。
The third part of this thesis talked about the problem of Chinese system of artificial person of charity fund and the solution of it. 第三部分为我国慈善基金会法人制度问题及对策。
The second part introduces the relevant theoretical basis of internal management structure in universities, the theory of interests to relating people, commission agent theory and artificial person theory; to provide theoretical basis for the theory of internal governance structure in university. 第二部分介绍大学内部治理结构的部分相关理论基础,分别系统分析利益相关者理论、委托代理理论和法人理论指导下的大学内部治理的基本特点和结构特征,为大学内部治理提供理论依据。
Based on the definitions of property right, property right system, educational property right, and the property right of artificial person, the paper applies some theories about property economics to analyze property right relations and property right system function of independent institutions. 在对产权、产权制度、教育产权、学校法人财产权等概念进行界定的基础上,提出了引入产权经济学相关理论对独立学院的产权关系与产权制度功能进行分析。
Combine with governance and managing system to study Conglomerate. Expand from one artificial person to many artificial persons in Conglomerate. 2. 把治理和管理体制结合在一起对集团公司进行研究,并且从对单一法人制企业的研究拓展到对多法人的集团公司的研究。